Whether or not you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Boxing Day, something else, or nothing at all, may the week (or weekend) be good to you.
These posts are the closest I get to the ‘end of the year’ type of posts and I’d like to eventually get one done for 2024 even if I don’t complete it before the start of the year.
For the first set, it’s fun to look back at how things have changed, and for the latter, it’s neat to look back to see what caught attention over the last year.
As for my family and me, we’re celebrating Christmas and spending time with extended family over the next few days.
For today, though, it’s a short post to say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Over the years, I’ve usually written some type of end of the year post centered around Christmas that also talks about what’s happening and what happened:

And the closest I came to doing something like this last year was an article about The Most Useful (Or Popular) Articles from 2023.
It’s my favorite time of year and, as cliché, as it may sound, I dig spending it with those who are near-and-dear. And I think everyone should be so lucky.
With that, here’s to the end of the year and the beginning of the next.